
In brief:

Some of my roles in life:

  • Genki Guide – Life Coach and Educator

  • Founder of Genki Project

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Practitioner

  • Passionate about enhancing our experience of life through the Three Pillars of Stillness, Vitality and Courage

  • Martial arts practitioner of over 20 years

  • Second Degree Black Belt and Kyokushin Karate Instructor

  • Personal Trainer

  • Voracious reader and learner

  • Mum of two

  • Beach lover

  • Former Lawyer


  • Diploma of Professional Coaching - 2020 and ongoing

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Practitioner

  • Certificate III and IV in Fitness and Personal Training

  • Bachelor of Laws UTS

  • Second Degree Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate

  • Voracious reader and keen learner of all things human performance, psychology and well-being


The longer version:

I have powerful conversations with busy professional and entrepreneur women. I support them to overcome overwhelm, reclaim calm, clarity and vitality and step into their courage. From this space they can bring their gifts to the World and create a life they love.

I am a qualified Life Coach and practitioner of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. I am also an educator, fitness professional and Second-Degree Black Belt martial arts instructor.

I have over 20 years’ experience training, coaching and competing in several forms of martial arts, as well as fitness and performance coaching.  My primary martial arts focus for the past 14 years has been in the Japanese art of Kyokushin Karate.

My life-long passion and fascination for human performance and mindset optimisation led me to create Genki Project, originally with a focus on fitness, and now focusing on life coaching, workshops and education on all things wellbeing, vitality and performance optimisation.   

Before committing full time to Genki Project, I had a career as a lawyer, which spanned over 16 years. 

I apply the insights I have gained from my martial arts training, legal career and my insatiable passion and thirst for learning to the design of my coaching, classes, programs and workshops.

I am also a mum of two young children.  I am therefore intimately familiar with the demands of both a busy working life and juggling a family.

I have worked with a wide range of audiences, including martial arts practitioners, athletes, professionals, entrepreneurs and children. My clients report feeling healthier, stronger and more energetic, as well as experiencing mindset shifts and insights which they describe as life-changing.

Here are some of the things my coaching clients say about our work together:

Eva is the most generous, kind, and empowering woman I know. She has been a dependable support for me through good times and bad, and her coaching has allowed me to explore and develop some truly amazing and invaluable life skills. (Caroline, Senior Leader at a National Brand)

I know that anyone receiving coaching from Eva will undoubtedly go on to unlock the various gifts inside of them; breaking bad habits and empowering them to create a life filled with abundance, perspective and free of burnout. (Krysta, Entrepreneur)

Talking with Eva really helped me focus on barriers in my life that I had never really given myself the time or space to address. Thanks to Eva, I feel I now have a much clearer focus in achieving my ideal work / life balance. (Mia)

With her vast knowledge, you will never leave a session without learning something that will either empower you, challenge your thinking or perhaps, in my case, change your life. (David, Physiotherapist)

To find out how life coaching can help you uncover your brilliance and step into a more meaningful, courageous way of being, contact me for a complimentary initial consultation: