2:00 PM14:00

RESET Half-day Retreat

Aa a high-achieving woman, are you…

  • Wanting to step out of overwhelm into calm, clarity and vitality?

  • Looking for an oasis of stillness so you can reconnect with yourself?

  • Wondering how to get going on a project or goal that’s dear to your heart?

Join us for a transformative event designed for women, where you can relax, reflect and rejuvenate.   Take time to reconnect with your true self in a warm and nurturing environment.

Come along to the RESET Half-day Retreat on Saturday, 14 September 2024 from 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm to be held in Maroubra.

Relax with guided breathwork, meditation and nourishing movement.

Reflect on your deepest wishes, goals and desires. Rediscover what truly matters to you and the things that bring you joy.

Reset and take away practical steps to move yourself closer to your dreams.

Connect with like-minded women and soak up the communal wisdom.  

Give yourself the gift of this experience and emerge inspired and renewed.

RESET Half-Day Retreat details:

  • Date:  Saturday, 14 September 2024

  • Time: 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm (arrive from 1.30 pm so you can make a cuppa and get comfy)

  • Place: 27 Lexington Place, South Maroubra

·       Cost: $95 per person, or $90 per person for groups of 2 or more.

Spaces are limited.

Your hosts:

This event is a collaboration between two passionate coaches who love working with amazing women so they can step out of overwhelm and into calm, clarity and vitality.  

Ragna Swyter

Stories are my life. I love listening to them, telling them and writing them. Other people’s stories. In my career as a print journalist, stories are inevitable, as a life coach I realized stories can be the source, a path, and a companion.  

I started my journey as a coach during Covid, after living in Australia for a while. In 2010 I had left career and family behind in Germany and arrived here with my boyfriend, our baby, and a backpack. Raising children in a foreign country and language showed me how important friends and a supportive network are. I started surfing and found my tribe in the Surfing Mums in Maroubra. The ocean listens to me, comforts me, and gives me stories to tell. I recharge, reset, and gain clarity in the waves.  

Years of experience as a surf coach let me pass on my knowledge to girls and women in the water. In my wellness coaching business, I offer combined sessions in and out of the water and provide time, space, passion, and wisdom to my clients.

In my earlier life in Germany, I had been a competitive swimmer. Studying sport science peaked when my thesis “Eating disorder and the impact of the social environment on the athlete” was published as a book.   

Eva Sklavos

I am passionate about working with amazing women to create a more meaningful, courageous and authentic way of being.

I am a qualified coach, educator, Second-Degree Black Belt martial arts instructor and fitness professional.

In the past I had a 16-year career as a lawyer. I am also a mum of two vigorous young ones.

My own journey has involved multiple moves of countries with different languages and the death of my father when I was a child.  I have experienced changes of career direction, many years of almost zero sleep with small kids, as well as overwhelm and near burnout. 

I know how hard it can be.  Juggling work, small children, elderly parents and all the other roles and demands that are placed on us.  The woman/mum guilt has been my own companion over the years.  Much less so in the present time. 

I used to think that I had to earn my rest, that I had to achieve before I could relax or take a breather.   I used to think that all other work had to be done and everyone else had to be taken care of before I could work on my own wishes and desires.

I now know differently. 

I am currently creating space for myself to connect with, and pursue my own desires, passions and aspirations whilst also raising a family and working in two businesses. 

I am also a proud champion napper (i.e. I nap like a Champ, no guilt!). 😊

In my coaching work, and in the design of my workshops, I bring the extensive knowledge and insights gained from my martial arts and legal careers.  I also incorporate tools and strategies gathered over more than two decades of study on how we can improve our well-being, create a life we love and move towards self-mastery. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the RESET Half-day Retreat.


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1:00 AM01:00

Courage Workshop

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Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like you are drifting, swept up in the demands of everyday life?  Is your mind incessantly and overwhelmingly busy? Do you crave something more?

If so, you will love this hands-on practical workshop to find clarity, set meaningful goals and live a more inspired, energised life.

In this workshop you will be given powerful tools to:

  • uncover what truly matters to you;

  • clarify your priorities;

  • design a fulfilling life;

  • set meaningful goals;

  • identify your obstacles;

  • become unstuck;

  • take courageous action towards your goals;

  • live happily now.

You will learn about the different types of goals and on the day, you will be taken through a powerful process to set a goal, identify what stands in your way and make a plan to effectively deal with obstacles.

You will be given tools to develop a positive resilient mindset to support you in times of setback.

You will also learn the secret to finding joy and living fully and vitally even if you have not yet reached your ‘ultimate’ goal. 

Register now, as spaces are strictly limited.

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12:00 AM00:00

Fuel For Life Workshop

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Does one or more of the below apply to you:

  • your current eating habits are not supporting your health-related goals;

  • you are ‘hangry’ (hungry and angry) and frustrated at the latest fad diet;

  • you are finding that mealtime maths (counting calories and grams) is getting in the way of your life and enjoyment of food;

  • you find yourself constantly battling cravings for ‘forbidden’ foods;

  • you find yourself mindlessly shoving food into your body only to think later ‘why did I eat that and why so much of it?’

Are you ready for a fresh, no-diet approach to eating well and enjoying your food more than ever while supporting your health and weight-related goals?

You will walk away from this half-day workshop with powerful tools to transform your relationship with food, including skills and strategies to:

  • effectively set a health goal so you set yourself up for success;

  • build sensible healthy meals;

  • eat less without feeling hungry or deprived;

  • reconnect with the joy and pleasure of food and obtain more enjoyment from your food than ever before;

  • tune in to your body so you ensure you give it the nourishment and fuel it needs;

  • benefit your health and reset your appetite through the practice of intermittent fasting; and

  • prevent unwanted impulse and emotional eating (we will cover at least 8 strategies for dealing with this, none of which rely on willpower).

This workshop is NOT about counting calories, weighing food, banning foods or imposing long term calorie restrictions!

If you love food, love your body, and want to ensure that your eating habits support your health and weight-related goals, then this workshop is for you. 

Register now, as spaces are strictly limited.


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Genki Good Chat virtual Cafe
10:30 AM10:30

Genki Good Chat virtual Cafe

Please enter your details below to register. You will receive an email with the Zoom meeting details within 24hours.

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