What our Personal Coaching clients say:

As a result of working with Eva I have been able to put her coaching tips into practice at home, and equally at work.  Her holistic approach means her techniques can be applied across a vast array of situations, or I can take the knowledge she has shared and adapt to meet any need that may arise.  As a direct result of the coaching, I feel I know myself better and am now well equipped to deal with life's challenges in a positive way.     

Eva is the most generous, kind, and empowering woman I know. She has been a dependable support for me through good times and bad, and her coaching has allowed me to explore and develop some truly amazing and invaluable life skills.    

The most valuable thing about working with Eva was to learn that I am on my own personal journey.  By practicing her techniques to be more aware, I can "conquer" the negative talk that has held me back in the workplace and unlock my full potential....  as well as being kinder to myself.  Win, win, win!!!   

At all times while working with Eva, I felt supported yet challenged.  She is a master at getting to the heart of the matter, yet highly respectful of emotions and values.  Eva allows coaching conversations to take a natural course, yet she kindly held me to account with practical "next steps" that encouraged me to reflect and make small adjustments that have enabled me to grow personally

In these tricky Covid times, I've become overwhelmed and stressed.  Working, home schooling, lockdowns etc.  Using the tools Eva provided in my coaching sessions early this year, I became aware of these feelings as they started to grow and have been able to leverage my "Eva Toolkit" to make space for my feelings and approach these challenges with a more positive mindset.  I am so grateful I was prepared.  Thank you Eva.”       

Caroline, Senior Leader at a National brand

“Before working with Eva I was feeling desperately and utterly burned out…

Since working with Eva, I have become extremely aware of the repercussions any decisions I make to ‘keep people happy’ have on myself, my health, my capacity to reach my goals as well as my relationships with the people that matter to me most. Instead, I have learned to treat myself like I am my own friend, respecting my personal boundaries and limits. As a result of this, I have a clearer focus, more energy and I am noticing I have more time and that with that time I am prioritising the things that mean the most to me.

Working with Eva has been like a continuous set of lightbulb moments; from understanding why I do the things I do and why I am either triggered to fall back into the same bad habits or why I hit stumbling blocks preventing me from reaching a healthier life, both mentally and physically. Eva has an incredible way of crystalising and clarifying my thoughts, but also helping me to set realistic goals whilst feeling inspired to push myself outside of my comfort zones, too. The thing I have really enjoyed about coaching with Eva is the very subtle way she allows me to feel like I already have all of the answers – even though I know I wouldn’t have gotten there without her guidance.

The most valuable thing I have taken from working with Eva, is learning that I hold the power to reach my goals, to take control, to say no to the things I choose to say no to and that the way other people react to that is not my concern.

Thank you for everything, Eva… I know that anyone receiving coaching from Eva will undoubtedly go on to unlock the various gifts inside of them; breaking bad habits and empowering them to create a life filled with abundance, perspective and free of burnout.

Krysta, Entrepreneur

“Before working with Eva, I wasn’t even sure I needed a Coach but I was curious to see if, or even how, it would have a positive impact on my life. Talking with Eva really helped me focus on barriers in my life that I had never really given myself the time or space to address. Thanks to Eva, I feel I now have a much clearer focus in achieving my ideal work / life balance.”


She [Eva] gets to the origins of your goals and whatever obstacles may lie in the way, providing sage advice without being pushy or intrusive.  And, with her vast knowledge, you will never leave a session without learning something that will either empower you, challenge your thinking or perhaps, in my case, change your life."

Senpai David, Physiotherapist, Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate

Eva has coached me to peak fitness and helped me through rehabilitation of injuries following a nasty accident.  A one-stop-shop, Eva is able to tap into multiple disciplines and continuous studies to customise a program for any stage of your health/fitness journey.  She inspires and motivates you to strive for your best. Genki Project provides nourishment for the body, mind and soul. It is a path worth taking that you won’t regret.”  Senpai Tracy,  Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate

At Genki Project you will be taken on a journey that identifies your challenges and then reviews and celebrates your conquests.”  Senpai Terry, Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate