What our Personal Training and Group class clients say about us:

“I strongly recommend Eva Sklavos from the Genki Project to anyone and everyone.

As a Physiotherapist, I am very selective of the Personal Trainers I would refer my patients to or whom I would train with personally.  Through personal experience, both professionally as my preferred patient Trainer and my own Personal Trainer, I have absolutely no reservations in recommending Eva Sklavos from Genki Project to anyone seeking a Personal Trainer, and more.

… Eva is one of those unique individuals who possesses many unique qualities.  She is extremely intelligent, passionate, insightful, caring and has a wicked sense of humour.  Her exercise sessions are creatively designed, forever changing, educational and fun.  Eva knows when to push you to your limits, but also when to pull you back.”  Senpai David, Physiotherapist and Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate


“I have been seeing Eva weekly for more than 18 months and never done the same workout twice. Eva manages to tailor every session to challenge everyone to reach their personal limits. I thoroughly recommend Genki Project, fantastic trainer with a great attitude, always lots of fun, despite the pain 😊”  Chiara


Training with Eva has been the best thing I've done for my strength, endurance and overall fitness. She has a brilliant way of pushing me whilst also being mindful of any weaknesses or injuries. I trained with her throughout my pregnancy and had zero back pain. Eva's personality makes working out fun, but she will make you sweat. I recommend Genki Project to everyone.”  Harmony


“Eva has coached me to peak fitness and helped me through rehabilitation of injuries following a nasty accident.  A one-stop-shop, Eva is able to tap into multiple disciplines and continuous studies to customise a program for any stage of your health/fitness journey.  She inspires and motivates you to strive for your best. Genki Project provides nourishment for the body, mind and soul. It is a path worth taking that you won’t regret.”  Senpai Tracy,  Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate


“Eva’s enthusiasm, tenacity and determination to help her clients achieve results is difficult to describe in writing.  Results speak louder than words.  Aside from being my wife, Eva has physically transformed my life.

Result 1: Following years of visits to physiotherapists, osteopaths and other specialist regarding my curved upper back, I was told that my back could never be straightened.  Once I “allowed” advice from my wife, as stubborn as I was not to listen initially, I persisted through a number of stretches and strengthening exercises just to prove her wrong.  She proved me wrong with my back straightening and enabling me to move onto Result 2.

Result 2: At the age of 41 and recently asked to participate in a world grading to attempt for my 5th dan black belt, I had a year ahead of me to get into top shape.  I had the mental capacity, eagerness to achieve and be outstanding in the test but my training methods were outdated, suitable to the younger me of 10 years prior.  Eva’s support at home was tremendous encouraging me to push through the training regime she designed for me and build my strength and stamina to enable me to endure a gruelling 8-hour physical examination culminating in 50 rounds of full contact fighting.   My grading was very successful, I felt the best I ever felt in my life, strong, fit and ready to take on the world (see result 3)! 

Result 3:  At the age of 42 and 10 years since my last full contact competition, I was itching to get back into it.  Having completed my grading a few months earlier, the South Pacific Championships in Jakarta were fast approaching and what a good idea it would be to compete in them.  My last tournament in the world scene was in 2006 having finished in the top 16 at the world full contact Karate Championships.  2017 was my year, Eva once again did her magic, I bulked up to the top of my division in muscle whilst maintaining my speed and endurance.  I had never felt stronger, my 2017 win in the South Pacific over 40’s Karate Championships in Jakarta, rounded up an awesome few years of working with who is indisputably one of the best in the fitness industry, she just happens to be my wife!  Shihan Jim Sklavos, Fifth Dan Black Belt, 30-year Kyokushin Karate Veteran