Motivation and willingness

Let’s look and motivation and willingness – two essential components of living a valued life and reaching for our goals. A third ingredient is action.

Motivation is the reason why we want to do something or achieve a given result.  Although motivation ultimately originates from within, it can be nonetheless be classified as internal or external motivation.   An internal motivator stems from within – this could be a strongly held belief or your values system.   An external motivator is connected to a benefit originating from outside yourself, for example the promise of an external reward, such as recognition or a trophy, or a societal expectation that we should act a certain way.

Motivation is why we behave a certain way or pursue a certain goal.

Willingness on the other hand, is the ability to accept the process with all its curves and grit that leads towards the result.  This is the ability to face the physical and emotional discomfort that is involved in pursuing your goal.  Willingness is not the same as liking.  You do not necessarily have to like the process to be willing to accept it. 

Willingness is being prepared to do what it takes to achieve the result you are after.

Motivation and willingness go hand on hand. Without a strong enough motivation there will not be willingness.  Without willingness there will be no action.  Without action there will be no progress, and ultimately, no result.