One Question

What if one question could change your life?

One question changed my life in 2016.

What are you passionate about?’ asked my sister as I contemplated the career crossroad I was facing.  A revelation tumbled out of my mouth ‘To help others achieve things they may not have thought possible’.   This is what I had been doing for the preceding 15 or so years as a martial arts practitioner and instructor.  And yet, I never previously considered that I could do this as my primary vocation.  

That question was the beginning of a completely new professional and life journey for me, as I left my law career behind and entered the human performance and coaching space.

One question changed my life again in 2019. 

Whose rule is that?’ asked my coach.   It hit me like thunderbolt.  It was my rule.  It was me.  I was the source of all the pressure I felt.  I was creating my own suffering.  I was my own harshest critic and judge.  I was my own ‘bad boss’.  The minute I had this insight, it was like the pressure valve had been released and the emotions flooded out of me. 

That question brought so much clarity to my previously scrambled mind.  It was the beginning of a completely new me, a new way to relate to myself, and as a result my life was profoundly changed. 

I consider myself extremely fortunate, in that I ask life changing questions for a living. 

I work with driven women to create an amazing life.  I use questions to elicit their innate wisdom so they can overcome overwhelm, chaos and fatigue and step into calm, clarity and vitality.  From this space they are free to create the life that they love.

I ask questions designed to bring attention to what is most important to my client, resulting in better focus and reduced stress and overwhelm.  

I ask questions designed to lead my client to gain insights about which part of herself she wants to put in the driver’s seat in a given situation, which allows her to turn up empowered and courageously pursue the outcomes she desires. 

I ask questions designed to challenge my client’s assumptions about how a particular situation might turn out, which opens possibilities for different outcomes to emerge.   

I ask questions designed to reveal how a client’s unwanted behaviour might actually be serving her on some level, which creates awareness and opens up the path for change.

The list is endless. 

Sometimes the impact of a question is instantly apparent.  Other times, the shift is more subtle at first, but as we practice living into the question, over time substantial transformation can occur. 

The beauty of this is that the life changing advice or information comes from within the person answering the question, the same person whose life is changed.  This is because we already hold the wisdom, the inner knowledge and the guidance we need to change our own life.  Sometimes all that is needed is the profound attention of someone who has utmost belief and wholehearted confidence in our innate power and ability, to invite us to contemplate the question so that our answers can percolate to consciousness.  

For questions to have this magical life-changing effect, these essential ingredients need to be present:  (1) a problem or dilemma; (2) the question designed to crack open the problem; and (3) the person asking it who has the skills to hold a sacred space within which our most authentic answer can emerge.   

What if one question could change your life?

It can.

What would that question be for you?


Much love



P.S. If you are committed to creating a life you love by reducing overwhelm, chaos and fatigue and stepping into calm, clarity and vitality, then contact me to book a complimentary no-obligation discovery call.